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Lady Bears Varsity Soccer Loses to Mill Creek, Wednesday, February 26th

Lady Bears Varsity Soccer Loses to Mill Creek, Wednesday, February 26th

Milton, Ga.—After a highly physical game, Mill Creek handed the Lady Bears their first loss of the season at home on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 with a final score of 0-1.

Despite the freezing temperatures, the action on the field was quite heated between the two teams.  Fouls were being traded on both sides resulting in a total of 10 free kicks for the Bears and 8 for the Hawks.  Going into half-time both sides showed some bruises but remained scoreless.

The second half was no less intense than the first.  Both goalies got their workouts in with junior Abby Fields making 6 great saves on the night.  With 10 minutes left in the game, the Hawks sent the ball from the midfield over the heads of the Bears' defense resulting in the ball finding the back of the net putting the Hawks up 0-1.  After a series of corner kicks for Cambridge, and Mill Creek unsuccessfully trying to run down the clock by having their subs move slower than sloths—the referee called for the timekeeper to stop the clock—with less than 2 minutes to go in the game freshman forward Jordyn Dudley was clipped in the box resulting in a penalty kick for the Bears.  Sophomore midfielder Kate Leibel took the PK which was deflected by the Hawks' goalie.  Two more unsuccessful runs up the line finished the game ending it with a score of 0-1.

The Lady Bears play their first region game this Friday, February 28 against Centennial High School at home at 6 p.m. Go Bears!