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Lady Bears Varsity Soccer Lights Up Scoreboard in Region Opener Against North Springs

Lady Bears Varsity Soccer Lights Up Scoreboard in Region Opener Against North Springs

The Lady Bears Varsity Soccer team tested the outer limits of the host's scoreboard, Friday, March 4th, when they opened their region schedule with 10 goals in only 50 minutes of play against North Springs Charter High School before the game was cut short due to the goal differential. As one might expect from the lopsided score, the Lady Bears dominated play from start to finish. First half highlights included:

  • A natural hat trick to open the scoring for the Lady Bears.  The first three goals of the game, each scored by Freshman Julia Schukle, were scored in a span of only three minutes!
  • Other Lady Bear goals were scored by Kiely Gaertner (defender), Hannah Behner (first for the freshman Lady Bear), Amanda Feely (on a ball headed in off a corner kick from Carly Shayne), Sara Bailey (first for the freshman Lady Bear), Natalia Garcia (first since returning from ACL surgery – welcome back!) and Leigh Hamblin (defender).
  • In a Lady Bears first for Coach Swanburg, a yellow card was "awarded" to Coach due to Carly Shayne's failure to remove her bling prior to the commencement of play.

The game went to half-time with the Lady Bears up 9-0 and a quick second half goal scored by Carly Dickman saw the goal differential rise to 10, which prompted the calling of the game by the referees.  

The Lady Bears go to 1-0 in region and will continue region play next Tuesday, March 8 when they travel to Kell High School (Marietta) for a 5.55pm kickoff.

Go Bears!