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Lady Bears Varsity Soccer Defeat Central Forsyth 4-1 Tues. April 9th

Lady Bears Varsity Soccer Defeat Central Forsyth 4-1 Tues. April 9th

The Women's Soccer team played an aggressive game on the Bears home field against Central Forsyth on Tuesday April 9. The Lady Bears out-scored their opponents and won 4-1.

Goals were scored by Maggie Officer, Maddie Burdick, Tai Anglade, and Olivia Hayden.

Great saves were also made by goalie Maddie Steevens.

Senior players Miranda Booker, Casey Moore, and Maddie Steevens are having a great season playing for the inaugural Lady Bears Soccer Team!!

Come out and support Lady Bears Soccer as they host Riverwood Monday April 15th.

Go Bears!!