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Bears Can't Stop Pope Running Game, Fall 49-7

Bears Can't Stop Pope Running Game, Fall 49-7

The red zone proved elusive for Cambridge in Friday night's game against Pope with a final score of 49-7.  A 90 yard kickoff return by freshman JD White, and PAT by senior kicker Hawk Hammer ended up being the only points scored by the Bears.  A late touchdown by White was called back on a holding penalty.  The young Varsity team continues to improve in some areas but needs more consistency according to Head Coach Craig Bennett.  "The kids continue to fight hard out there - gotta love 'em for that."   Bennett says the coaches accept a good amount of the responsibility for the loss and says the staff will continue to work on teaching the players about better way to handle various game situations.  

Defensively, the Bears tried hard to stop the powerful Pope running backs.  It appeared to be an inside competition between sophomores Tate Prezzano and Brian Moore as to who could come up with the bigger play.  Prezzano had some impressive tackles and an interception, while Moore made a few key tackles inside the Pope red zone which helped the Bears prevent a Greyhound touchdown and forced them to punt.  

The interception by Prezzano set up two impressive rushing plays by Ricky Nuckles for first downs, but the Bears were unable to deliver the TD.  

Looking ahead to the next game this Friday, October 5th, the Bears are at home against the 0-4 Northview Titans.  Northview lost 55-20 to Riverwood on September 28th. This will be the first sub-region game in our division and should be a close match-up.

Plan to come out Friday night to support our Bears!!