Bears Varsity Boys Tennis Sweep Riverwood Tuesday, March 17th

Bears Varsity Boys Tennis Sweep Riverwood Tuesday, March 17th

Jason Weiner (3S) powered thru a 4-5 deficit in the second set to win the tiebreak 7-3 and secure a 5-0 sweep for the Bears over the Raiders on a gusty but sunny Tuesday afternoon.  Jason's serve in the later portion of the match help to propel him to victory. 

In addition to Jason's win, Joey Ladaga (2S) continued his winning ways with a 1 & 4 straight set victory.  Joey relied on patient ground strokes to set up overhead and volley put-a-ways. He won 4 straight games to overcome 2 breaks of serve  in the  second set. 

Meanwhile, Carson Harrell (1S) battled a scrappy opponent and eventually wore him down with punishing ground strokes on both sides to win 3 and 1.

On the doubles side of the match, Zac Hirschler and Kez Fitzgerald (1D) won their match quickly 0 & 1 on strong service games and returns.  

Finally, David Ashcom and Brenner Lapid (2D) defeated their opponents with pinpoint groundies and opportunistic poaches.

The win gives the Bears 4 straight victories as they head into their match on Thursday March 19th at  Sprayberry (weather permitting of course).

Go Bears!