Cambridge Athlete of the Week-Ryan Callahan, Varsity Lacrosse

Cambridge Athlete of the Week-Ryan Callahan, Varsity Lacrosse

Congratulations to Senior RYAN CALLAHAN, the Cambridge Athlete of the Week!

Ryan Callahan is a senior who had never played lacrosse before December.  Varsity Head Coach Mike Pappas says Ryan has been a welcome surprise."He told me 'Coach, I don't even know what lacrosse is'".

Pappas says in the past couple months, Ryan has found his niche as a faceoff middie (or "fogo") and has a faceoff win percentage of 68% at the Varsity level.  Pappas says a percentage of 60 is pretty good and that 70% can turn into scholarships for lacrosse athletes. Ryan actually wins about 85% of the draws.

Although he is new to the sport, Coach Pappas says he fit into a spot where he was needed and has produced at a very high level.   

Congratulations Ryan ... You are the Cambridge Athlete of the Week!