Men's Lacrosse Important Information

Men's Lacrosse Important Information

Attention all Men's Lacrosse Families...

All Players will be required to complete the CHS Athlete Participation Forms provided HERE.

These forms must be completed and turned in by January 9th when we will meet to register all players.  A portion of the form must be completed by a doctor who has examined the participant.  If a player has participated in another CHS Sport, please provide copies of the medical forms for the lacrosse team to have on file. 

Important dates: 

January 9th - Registration.  Meet at CHS to register all players for Spring Men's Lacrosse
January 28th - 30th - Player Assessments
February 1st - Varsity and JV teams announced
February 1st - First Practice; regular practice schedule will be Monday through Thursday after school and Friday before school (times to be determined)
February 6th - Men's lacrosse team event at El Azteca
February 16th - Men's lacrosse team event at Kennesaw State
February 19th - First Game
April 12th - 13th - Legacy Cup Tournament