Mama Bear Challenge a Big Success

Mama Bear Challenge a Big Success

The 2014 Momma Bear Challenge brought about 60 moms out to 'play in their sons shoes'.  

An enthusiastic welcome and briefing by the coaches, and a quick 'n easy warmup - just like the boys do (haha) had most of the moms coasting along (again haha).  Then the game started.  This was where the moms gained added respect for their sons.  Tara Moore took the first snap as QB mom (like son, like mother).

The first few plays were timid handoffs for short gains. Then the dormant competitive impulse kicked in.  

Tanya Schletty was like a heat seeking missle to grab the flag of the ball carriers.   Surprised receiver Jutta Johnson snuck through for a big gain.  Wide receiver Julie Gustafson had the magic hands to pluck two deep passes from the midst of a huge defensive crowd.  Kim Kuykendal fired up for some effective D and a few long but incomplete passes.  

The game ended with a few minor injuries, including a rolled ankle by the tough-as-nails Kristin Darnell. 

Although no Oklahoma drills were done, all the moms-turned-football players gained an appreciation of what their sons face during practice and games. 

Go Mama Bears!!