Bears Face North Springs in CHS 1st Homecoming Game

Bears Face North Springs in CHS 1st Homecoming Game

Friday, October 26th will be a night filled with excitement as we honor the seniors, our Cambridge High School sponsors and celebrate homecoming festivities.

The night promises one team its first win for either Cambridge or North Springs.

Last week, The Bears faced another tough road battle in the loss of 41-0 to Creekview.  After giving up 62 points to winless Northview the week before, stopping Creekview at 41 points showed improvement.   The Creekview team is mostly juniors and seniors.  Considering 13 of Cambridge Bears starters are freshman and just 2 seniors, progress is being made. 

First defensive play of the game saw Daion Donaldson force a Grizzly loss of 5 yards and 3 and out.  Senior Ryan Callahan and Donaldson pushed back hard the entire game for more negative yardage and multiple sacks.  Defenders Malik McNeil and Kryshna Tanksley both had a big night helping to limit Creekviews first down conversions, holding the Grizzlies to 21 points. Sophomores Tate Prezzano and Brian Moore were again called out for several exceptional tackles. 

Offensively, the play of the night was to give the ball to JD White who had some good  breakthroughs for a 19 yard and a 12 yard run in the 2nd quarter and a 10 yard rush in the 3rd quarter before getting injured. 

Quarterback Kevin Little completed a 7 yard pass to wide receiver Malik Harris but not enough for a first down.  Bears stirred up some third quarter excitement when sophomore punter, Hunter Smith, on a too high snap, ran the ball for 20 yards to his own 44 yard line. 

Friday, Oct. 26 in Bear Country is the homecoming game against the North Springs Spartans.   Game time is 7:30pm.