Cambridge Baseball Opens Region Play with 11-5 Victory over Centennial, Wednesday, March 6th

Cambridge Baseball Opens Region Play with 11-5 Victory over Centennial, Wednesday, March 6th
With the bulk of non-region play behind them, the Cambridge varsity baseball team opened up region play with a crucial first game at Centennial.  A strong region start is key to setting up a potential playoff spot for a fifth consecutive year as there will likely be little margin for error.  Cambridge sent righty Casey Young to the bump in search of his second win on the young season.
Unlike recent games, the Cambridge offense came out of the gate firing on all cylinders in the first.  Jared Spears led off with a solid single to left.  Cody Rech reached by error before a Mitch Fleming walk loaded the bases.  Grayson Dato then stepped to the plate and launched a no-doubt home run to left center for a grand slam and a 4-0 lead after one.
The Bears offense was just getting started, however.  A two-out single by Rech preceded walks to Fleming and Dato to once again load the bases.  This time Ryan Todd singled up the middle to drive in two.  A walk to Nicholas Armstrong re-loaded the bases before Matt Faby stepped to the plate to deliver a crushing double down the right field line to clear the bases and push the lead to 9-0.  Danny DeSousa closed out the scoring with a single to right to score Faby and make the score 10-0.
Young, meanwhile, cruised through the first two innings on 18 pitches.  Centennial struck for four runs in the third courtesy of two singles, two dropped third strikes that reached base and a series of Cambridge miscues in the field.  Neither team threatened in the fourth and the score remained 10-4.
Cambridge added a run in the fifth to go up 11-4.  Nick Dato entered the game in the fifth in place of Young and struck out two to end the threat and then pitched a scoreless sixth as well.  Centennial added a run in the bottom of the seventh but Kenny Rosenbloom struck out the final batter to end the game with a much-needed 11-5 Cambridge road victory.
The Cambridge offense tallied ten hits on the game, led by Todd with three hits and two RBI.  Dato accounted for four RBI with his first inning blast, while Faby drove in three.  Young got the win, going 4 1/3 innings allowing two earned runs on two hits with seven strikeouts.  Dato was effective in relief going 1 2/3 innings with four strikeouts.
Cambridge continues region play with a home game on Friday, March 8th against Johns Creek.  Game time is 7:30 PM.
Go Bears!